Duplomatic, headquartered in Milan-Italy; with 7 production facilities, more than 1000 customers, wide distribution network and turnover of over € 70 million. Duplomatic works on motion control system sector in 55 countries.
Hidrokontrol A.Ş. provides the following services in the field of hydraulic, pneumatic and electronic motion control systems with Duplomatic.
1- Industrial Hydraulic Systems
2- Hydarulic Project Designs
3- Engineering
4- Manufacturing of Hydarulic Powerpack
5- Manufacturing of Hydarulic Manıfold
6- Maintenance, repair and after sales services
Duplomatic Product Groups:
Duplomatic Hydraulic Products Catalogue
Duplomatic Electronic Product Catalogue
Melih Gökçek Bulvarı No:8 ANKARA
P. 444 9893 • F. 0(312) 395 23 27
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